An example of our new webtool technology — an automatic fee calculator
As KHIT rolls into the new year, we have been brainstorming ways to improve our software services so we can help you stay current with the ever-changing technological landscape. We are excited to announce two major updates to our custom software!
Starting in December, our dev team has been working to transition our RPA software from UiPath to Selenium. Selenium is a more sophisticated software that:
- Gives us complete control over creating client processes
- Allows our tech experts to introduce more advanced Python programming scripts, and
- Provides a way to run automations remotely
Additionally, our lead software engineer, Eli, finished his Associate Cloud Engineer certification from Google, our new partner. This gives us access to Google Cloud Platform, a suite of cloud computing services that work with Selenium to host RPAs remotely. That means we can now run your automated tasks at any time of the day, on any schedule. Learn more about RPAs and how they can help you!
KHIT Webtools
As great as RPAs are, they’re not always necessary — sometimes it’s just better to do a task manually — however, you still need the right tools to get the job done. That’s why we are introducing KHIT Webtools, a cloud-based suite of various web tools to help clients make manual tasks easier.
If you often need to modify a spreadsheet to create new columns with calculated values, combine it with another spreadsheet, or any other task that would take a significant portion of your workday, we can make a webtool that does it for you in a fraction of a second. Of course, it doesn’t have to be report modifications — we can create webtools for just about any repeatable task. Check out the webtools we’ve already made and see how we can save you some time and money!